
Welcome to the Buried Infrastructure Group. we are a group of passionate researchers at the University of Texas at Arlington (UTA). Our mission is to enhance and refine the knowledge on the behavior and design of buried infrastructure, especially large-diameter pipelines, Reliability assessment and service life prediction of sewer mains, and utilize seismic resistant meta- and auxetic-Materials.

Himan Hojat Jalali obtained his Ph.D. degree in Civil Engineering majoring Structural and Earthquake Engineering from Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran in 2015. His research work focused on the behavior of pipelines, as a vital part of the infrastructure, under large differential ground movement, to which he is holding a patent and several publications in journals and conferences such as Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Journal of Earthquake Engineering, ASCE Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice, 15 WCEE among others. Currently, Himan is a faculty member at the Department of Civil Engineering of the University of Texas at Arlington, where in continuation of his previous line of work, he is expanding his research activities on resilient design of infrastructure under design and extreme loading scenarios, service life estimation of buried infrastructure under different environmental conditions, seismic protection of building structures using meta-material and innovative structural control methodologies. Dr. Hojat Jalali is sharing his research activities in these topics by publishing in journals such as Structural Control and Health Monitoring, Acta Mechanica, Engineering Failure Analysis, ASCE International Journal of Geomechanics among others. His research activities have been supported by WRF, TRWD, and USDOT. He has also been teaching courses both in the undergraduate and graduate levels. Dr. Hojat Jalali serves as a reviewer for many academic journals (such as Computers and Geotechnics, ASCE Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice, Engineering Failure Analysis)and is currently a technical committee member in the ASCE Manual of Practice (MOP) on the seismic design of water and wastewater pipelines. Most recently he has been selected to serve on the AWWA Large valve installation subcommittee as a voting member. He has also contributed as an active committee member to several guidelines and specifications for rehabilitation and evaluation of infrastructure and nonstructural equipment.